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Coffee Mugs
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carpernter's church coffee mug Windswept Sales

Lots of companies can make
Promotional Products
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25% of American's

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Lots of companies can make
Promotional Products
sets us apart!

practically anything
can have your logo

Lots of companies can make
Promotional Products
sets us apart!


Lots of companies can make
Promotional Products
sets us apart!

Make a lasting impression

Jan 242014


EMC logo

Welcome Aboard Engineered Marine Coatings

So excited to welcome Engineered Marine Coatings to Windswept Sales.  Engineered Marine Coatings is a local Company headed up by Jon Boswell (Boz).   They manufacture and distribute easy-to-apply marine finish system with an unbeatable appearance.  Please check them out on their Facebook page and also on their webpage  If you own a boat and it looks water worn, check these guys out!

Windswept will be providing EMC some promotional items to get in the hands of potential customers and to start spreading their word.  Be on the look out for their logoed paint can openers, stir sticks, paint mil testers and chap sticks as a start.  Welcome Aboard Boz!